AD online patching in Oracle EBS R12.2

Applications DBA Online Patching Tool

Oracle introduced ADOP in Oracle E-Business R12.2 . This is a new patching mechanism (online patching) that allow the application of patches while your environment is up and running.You don't need to stop the application or put it on maintains mode as we use to do before.

ADOP phases:

1) Prepare – This will prepare the instance for patch application.
2) Apply – This will apply patches .
3) Finalize – This will get ready the instance for cutover.
4) Cutover – This will make the patch edition the new run edition (fs1 to fs2).
5) Cleanup – This will drop obsolete objects and data from old editions.

Steps to apply patch on R12.2 using ADOP:

1) Download and unzip the patch

2) Read the readme carefully

3) run the environment as below in new cmd prompt.

$ source <run APPL_TOP path>/APPS<CONTEXT_NAME>.env

4) confirm the staus of adop by below command.

$ adop -status

5) start from first phase by Preparing the system for patching.

$ adop phase=prepare

6) NOw apply the patch to patch edition.

$ adop phase=apply patches=<patch number>,workers=<number_of_worker>
e.g adop phase=apply patches=1111,2222 workers=6

7) check for the logs and complete the rest of the phases as below:-

$ adop phase=finalize
$ adop phase=cutover
$ adop phase=cleanup

8) We have to Synchronize the file system, which copy the new run edition code and configuration to the patch file system.

$ adop phase=fs_clone

Note:- You can use in one go  "adop phase=prepare,apply,finalize,cutover,cleanup patches=<patch_number1>,<patch_number2>"

 Thanks ;)

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