
Little endian et Big endian dans Oracle avec exemple

Un système big-endian stocke l'octet de poids fort d'un mot à la plus petite adresse mémoire et l'octet de poids faible à la plus grande. En revanche, un système petit-boutiste stocke l'octet de poids faible à la plus petite adresse.

Prenons un exemple pour démontrer le concept de petit-boutiste et de gros-boutiste dans le contexte d'une base de données Oracle. Imaginez que nous ayons une table dans une base de données Oracle qui stocke une valeur entière de 4 octets. Appelons ce tableau "ExampleTable" et la colonne "Value".

Petit endian:

Dans l'ordre des octets petit-boutiste, l'octet de poids faible (LSB) est stocké en premier, suivi des octets de poids fort. Ainsi, si la valeur entière est 0x12345678, elle sera stockée en mémoire dans l'ordre d'octet suivant : 

Address   |    Byte Value


0x1000    |       0x78

0x1001    |       0x56

0x1002    |       0x34

0x1003    |       0x12

Big Endian:

Dans l'ordre des octets big-endian, l'octet de poids fort (MSB) est stocké en premier, suivi des octets de poids faible. Ainsi, si la valeur entière est 0x12345678, elle sera stockée en mémoire dans l'ordre d'octet suivant :

Lorsque vous travaillez avec Oracle, l'ordre des octets est généralement déterminé par l'architecture matérielle sous-jacente du système. Oracle gère l'ordre des octets de manière transparente pour la plupart des opérations, vous n'avez donc généralement pas à vous en préoccuper explicitement.

Cependant, si vous devez gérer explicitement l'ordre des octets dans votre code, Oracle fournit des fonctions pour convertir entre l'ordre des octets petit-boutiste et gros-boutiste. Par exemple, vous pouvez utiliser la fonction TO_NUMBER avec le modèle de format approprié pour convertir une chaîne binaire petit-boutiste en nombre dans Oracle.

Voici un exemple de conversion d'une chaîne binaire petit-boutiste en nombre dans Oracle :


Dans cet exemple, « 78563412 » représente la chaîne binaire petit-boutiste et « XXXXXXXX » est le modèle de format spécifiant l'ordre des octets. Le paramètre NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=''.,'' garantit que le séparateur décimal est correctement défini.

Le résultat serait 2018915346, qui est la représentation décimale de la valeur binaire petit-boutiste 0x12345678.

De même, vous pouvez utiliser d'autres fonctions de conversion telles que TO_CHAR ou RAWTOHEX pour convertir les valeurs entre les ordres d'octets little endian et big endian selon vos besoins.

Gardez à l'esprit que dans la plupart des cas, vous n'avez pas besoin de gérer explicitement l'ordre des octets lorsque vous travaillez avec des bases de données Oracle, car le moteur de base de données s'en charge automatiquement


Little endian and Big endian in oracle with example

 A big-endian system stores the most significant byte of a word at the smallest memory address and the least significant byte at the largest. A little-endian system, in contrast, stores the least significant byte at the smallest address.

Let's consider an example to demonstrate the concept of little endian and big endian in the context of an Oracle database. Imagine we have a table in an Oracle database that stores a 4-byte integer value. Let's call this table "ExampleTable" and the column "Value".

Little Endian:

In little-endian byte ordering, the least significant byte (LSB) is stored first, followed by the more significant bytes. So, if the integer value is 0x12345678, it would be stored in memory in the following byte order:

Address   |    Byte Value


0x1000    |       0x78

0x1001    |       0x56

0x1002    |       0x34

0x1003    |       0x12

Big Endian:

In big-endian byte ordering, the most significant byte (MSB) is stored first, followed by the less significant bytes. So, if the integer value is 0x12345678, it would be stored in memory in the following byte order:

Address   |    Byte Value


0x1000    |       0x12

0x1001    |       0x34

0x1002    |       0x56

0x1003    |       0x78

When working with Oracle, the byte order is typically determined by the underlying hardware architecture of the system. Oracle handles byte ordering transparently for most operations, so you don't usually need to worry about it explicitly.

However, if you need to handle byte ordering explicitly in your code, Oracle provides functions to convert between little endian and big endian byte orders. For example, you can use the TO_NUMBER function with the appropriate format model to convert a little-endian binary string to a number in Oracle.

Here's an example of converting a little-endian binary string to a number in Oracle:


In this example, '78563412' represents the little-endian binary string, and 'XXXXXXXX' is the format model specifying the byte order. The NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=''.,'' parameter ensures that the decimal separator is set correctly.

The result would be 2018915346, which is the decimal representation of the little-endian binary value 0x12345678.

Similarly, you can use other conversion functions like TO_CHAR or RAWTOHEX to convert values between little endian and big endian byte orders as needed.

Keep in mind that in most cases, you don't need to explicitly handle byte ordering when working with Oracle databases, as the database engine takes care of it automatically


ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_RUN]

Alert log reports the below error in alert.log 

Errors in file D:\ORACLE\APP\ORACLE\diag\rdbms\***\***\trace\*****_ora_18656.trc:

ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_RUN] [D:\ORACLE\APP\ORACLE\diag\rdbms\***\***\lck\AM_1618_3044626670.lck]

It's during the RMAN backups are running.

When the RMAN backup is run querying the below output shows RMAN is Waiting on "ADR file lock" wait event

Select inst_id, sid, CLIENT_INFO ch, seq#, event, state, seconds_in_wait secs from gv$session where program like '%RMAN%' and wait_time = 0 and not action is null;

RMAN is acquiring ADR lock and this Lock is not released by OS and hence the error in the Alert log. 

To Fix 

To prevent the error message from getting reported in Alert log you can include the below event in the Rman backups script


run {sql "alter system set events ''logon trace name krb_options level 20''";

sql "alter session set max_dump_file_size=''5K''";

allocate channel t1 <sbt or disk channel> ;

allocate channel t2 <sbt or disk channel> ;

sql "alter system set events ''logon trace name krb_options off''";

release channel t1;

release channel t2;



Streams aq waiting for time management or cleanup tasks

 In the Oracle Database, "Streams AQ" refers to the Advanced Queuing feature of Oracle Streams. It is a queuing mechanism that allows asynchronous communication between different components of a database or even between different databases.

When you see the message "Streams AQ waiting for time management or cleanup tasks," it typically means that there are pending administrative tasks related to the management and cleanup of the Advanced Queuing system. These tasks are usually performed by the Oracle Streams background processes.

To address this situation, you can follow these steps:

Identify the Streams Administrator: Determine the user who has the necessary privileges to perform administrative tasks on the Streams AQ system. This user is typically referred to as the "Streams Administrator."

Connect as the Streams Administrator: Use an Oracle client tool or command-line interface to connect to the database as the Streams Administrator.

Perform necessary cleanup tasks: Execute the appropriate administrative commands to perform the required cleanup tasks. For example, you might need to purge old or expired messages from the queues, remove unused queues, or perform other maintenance operations.

Monitor the Streams AQ system: After performing the cleanup tasks, monitor the system to ensure that the waiting time management or cleanup tasks have been resolved. You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager or other monitoring tools to check the status and health of the Advanced Queuing components.

It's important to note that the specific commands and steps may vary depending on your Oracle Database version and configuration. Therefore, it's recommended to consult the Oracle documentation or seek assistance from your database administrator for detailed guidance.


Essential Crosscheck Commands for RMAN Backup Management

Backup management is a critical aspect of maintaining data integrity and ensuring disaster recovery capabilities. In Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), the crosscheck commands play a vital role in validating and managing backups. In this blog post, we will explore the essential crosscheck commands and their usage to maintain the reliability of your backup infrastructure.

Crosscheck all backups:

To verify the integrity and existence of all backups, you can use the following command:


List expired backups:

To identify any expired backups detected during the crosscheck process, execute the following command:


Delete expired backups:

To remove the expired backups identified during the crosscheck, use the following command:


Crosscheck all archive logs:

To validate the status of all archived logs, use the following command:


List expired archive logs:

To obtain a list of expired archive logs detected during the crosscheck, execute the following command:


Delete expired archive logs:

To delete the expired archive logs identified during the crosscheck, use the following command:


Crosscheck all datafile image copies:

To verify the integrity of all datafile image copies, use the following command:


List expired datafile copies:

To list the expired datafile copies detected during the crosscheck, execute the following command:


Delete expired datafile copies:

To remove the expired datafile copies identified during the crosscheck, use the following command:


Crosscheck backups of a specific tablespace:

To verify the backups of a particular tablespace, use the following command:


List expired backups of a specific tablespace:

To list the expired backups of a specific tablespace detected during the crosscheck, execute the following command:


Delete expired backups of a specific tablespace:

To delete the expired backups of a specific tablespace identified during the crosscheck, use the following command:



Regularly performing crosscheck operations using RMAN commands is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your backup environment. By verifying and managing the backups, archive logs, and datafile copies, you ensure that your data recovery capabilities are reliable and up-to-date. Incorporate these essential crosscheck commands into your backup management routine to enhance the overall resilience of your Oracle database.


How to Check Archive Log Free Space in Oracle

 In an Oracle database environment, archive logs are vital components that store a record of all transactions performed. Monitoring the free space in the archive log destination is crucial to ensure uninterrupted database operations and avoid any potential issues. This article will guide you through the process of checking the archive log free space in Oracle, along with practical examples.

Step 1: Connect to the Database:

To begin, establish a connection to your Oracle database using a SQL*Plus session or any other preferred Oracle database management tool. Ensure that you have the necessary privileges to access the required views and execute the commands.

Step 2: Identify the Archive Log Destination:

The archive log destination is the location where Oracle writes and stores the archive logs. To check the archive log destination, run the following SQL query:

SELECT name, value , FROM v$parameter  WHERE name LIKE 'log_archive_dest%'  ORDER BY name;

This query retrieves the parameter values associated with the archive log destination. It will display the name and value of the parameter(s) related to the archive log destination.

Step 3: Check Archive Log Free Space:

To determine the free space available in the archive log destination, you need to query the appropriate dynamic performance views. Execute the following SQL query:

SELECT dest_id, destination, space_limit, space_used, space_limit - space_used AS space_available FROM v$archive_dest WHERE status = 'VALID';

The query retrieves information from the v$archive_dest view, filtering for destinations with a status of 'VALID.' This view provides details such as the destination ID, destination name, space limit, space used, and the calculated space available.

Step 4: Interpret the Results:

After executing the query, you will receive a result set containing information about the archive log destinations with their respective free space details. The important columns to focus on are:

  • DEST_ID: The ID assigned to the destination.
  • DESTINATION: The archive log destination path.
  • SPACE_LIMIT: The total space limit allocated for the destination.
  • SPACE_USED: The current space utilized in the destination.
  • SPACE_AVAILABLE: The remaining free space in the destination.
By analyzing these values, you can assess the current state of the archive log destination and evaluate whether additional space needs to be allocated or any cleanup is required.


Let's consider an example result set obtained from executing the above query.

1         /archivelog/dest1         50G           40G          10G
2         /archivelog/dest2         100G          80G          20G

From the example, you can see that DEST_ID 1 has a SPACE_LIMIT of 50GB, with 40GB already utilized (SPACE_USED). This indicates that there is 10GB of SPACE_AVAILABLE. Similarly, DEST_ID 2 has 20GB of free space available.


Monitoring the archive log free space in Oracle is essential for maintaining a healthy and efficient database environment. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily check the archive log free space using Oracle's dynamic performance views. Regularly monitoring and managing the archive log destination space will help ensure uninterrupted database operations and prevent potential issues related to the storage of transaction logs.

Happy exploring with Oracle!

Understanding and Resolving the ORA-02289 Error: Sequence Does Not Exist

The ORA-02289 error is a common issue that occurs in Oracle databases when attempting to create a sequence or trigger with a REFERENCING clause that references a non-existent table or view. 
This error can be frustrating, but understanding its causes and implementing the appropriate fixes will help you resolve it efficiently. In this article, we will delve into the ORA-02289 error, explore its possible causes, and provide practical solutions with examples.

Understanding the ORA-02289 Error:

The ORA-02289 error is raised when an attempt is made to create a sequence or trigger with a REFERENCING clause that refers to a table or view that does not exist in the database. The error message is displayed as follows:
"ORA-02289: sequence does not exist"

Common Causes of ORA-02289 Error:

a) Misspelled table or view name 

The most common cause of the ORA-02289 error is a misspelled or incorrect table or view name in the REFERENCING clause of the sequence or trigger creation statement. Double-checking the spelling and existence of the referenced object is crucial.

b) Object not created prior to referencing

Another reason for the error is attempting to reference a table or view that has not been created in the database yet. Ensure that the referenced object exists before creating the sequence or trigger.

c) Insufficient privileges 

The user attempting to create the sequence or trigger may not have the necessary privileges to reference the specified table or view. Verify the user's privileges and grant the appropriate permissions if required.

Resolving the ORA-02289 Error:

Now let's explore some effective solutions to resolve the ORA-02289 error:

a) Verify the table or view existence:

 Double-check the spelling and existence of the referenced table or view. Ensure that the object is created before attempting to reference it. Correct any typographical errors or create the object if it doesn't exist.

b) Grant necessary privileges: 

Confirm that the user creating the sequence or trigger has the required privileges to reference the table or view. The user must have appropriate SELECT privileges on the referenced object. Grant the necessary privileges using the GRANT statement if needed.

c) Check object name case sensitivity: 

Oracle is case-sensitive when it comes to object names. Ensure that the referenced object's name is specified with the correct case sensitivity. For example, if the object was created with double quotes around its name, the referencing clause should reflect the same case sensitivity.

Examples to fix ORA-02289:

Let's consider a couple of examples to illustrate how to resolve the ORA-02289 error:

Example 1: Misspelled table name


Error: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

The solution to fix this ORA-02289:

 Double-check the spelling of the referenced table or view name. Correct the name if it was misspelled or doesn't exist.

Example 2: Insufficient privileges

  SELECT my_sequence.nextval INTO :n.id FROM dual;

Error: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

The solution to fix this ORA-02289:

Verify that the user creating the trigger has the necessary SELECT privileges on the my_sequence sequence. Grant the appropriate privileges if required.

The ORA-02289 error, indicating that a sequence does not exist, can be resolved by carefully examining the referenced table or view name, ensuring its existence, and confirming the user's privileges. Following the suggested solutions outlined in this article and paying attention to the examples provided, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the ORA-02289 error in your Oracle database environment.


ORA-65114 : l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée

 ORA-65114 : l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée

Je créais un tablespace dans un PDB nouvellement créé et je faisais face à " ORA-65114: l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée "

ORA-65114 : l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée

Cela se produit donc lorsque vous avez créé PDB avec une option de stockage inférieure à ce dont vous avez besoin. Voici l'exemple, j'ai utilisé pour créer PDB:

create pluggable database TEST admin user admin identified by "oracle" default tablespace USERS

 datafile '/u02/oradata/TEST/pdb1_users01.dbf' size 250m autoextend on

 storage (maxsize 1g max_shared_temp_size 1g)


Cet oracle moyen n'ira pas au-delà de 1G. Comme j'ai utilisé MAX à 1G et ci-dessous est l'erreur.

Ci-dessous l'erreur:-




ERROR at line 1:

ORA-65114 : l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée


Augmentez simplement la limite de stockage de la base de données enfichable. Exécutez le SQL suivant dans le PDB actuel pour limiter la taille de tous les fichiers de données de ce PDB :


Pluggable database altered.

OR if you want a limited SIZE, You can still define the size. 

SQL> alter pluggable database storage (MAXSIZE 120G);

Remarque : - Si l'option de stockage n'est pas définie par défaut, MAX_PDB_STORAGE n'est pas limitée.

Comment vérifier la taille maximale de PLUGGABLE DATABASE STORAGE ?

Pour vérifier la valeur dans l'APB actuel, connectez-vous à l'APB et exécutez ci-dessous :

select PROPERTY_VALUE FROM database_properties WHERE property_name = 'MAX_PDB_STORAGE';

Pour vérifier la valeur dans le CDB actuel pour tous les PDB, connectez-vous au CDB et exécutez ci-dessous :


Oracle Mean company, pas de base de données :)

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Understanding the Drawbacks of Oracle Database: Exploring its Limitations

Oracle Database has long been hailed as a reliable and robust solution for data management. However, like any technology, it also carries certain disadvantages that organizations should be aware of when considering its implementation. In this article, we will delve into some of the drawbacks associated with using Oracle Database, shedding light on its limitations and potential challenges.

High Cost

One of the primary disadvantages of Oracle Database is its high cost. Oracle is known for its enterprise-grade offerings, and as such, the licensing and support fees associated with Oracle Database can be substantial. This pricing structure may pose challenges for small to mid-sized organizations with limited budgets, making it a less feasible option compared to open-source or more affordable alternatives.

Complexity and Learning Curve

Oracle Database is a feature-rich and comprehensive solution, but this robustness comes at a cost of complexity. The database system has a steep learning curve, requiring specialized skills and expertise to effectively configure, maintain, and optimize. This complexity can result in longer implementation times and increased training and support costs for organizations. It may also limit the pool of available professionals with the necessary Oracle-specific skills, further adding to the overall cost.

Hardware Resource Requirements

Oracle Database's performance and scalability come with hardware resource demands. Running Oracle effectively often requires powerful servers, significant memory, and ample storage capacity. The need for such hardware can lead to higher infrastructure costs, especially for organizations that need to scale rapidly or process large volumes of data. Additionally, the hardware requirements may be overkill for smaller or less resource-intensive applications, making Oracle Database less suitable for certain use cases.

Vendor Lock-In

Adopting Oracle Database can result in vendor lock-in, as organizations become heavily reliant on Oracle's technologies, tools, and ecosystem. Migrating away from Oracle can be complex, time-consuming, and expensive, as it may involve reconfiguring applications, rewriting queries, and dealing with data compatibility issues. This lack of flexibility can limit an organization's ability to explore alternative solutions or take advantage of emerging technologies that may better suit their evolving needs.

Limited Open-Source Options

While Oracle provides a comprehensive suite of features, some organizations may prefer the flexibility and openness offered by open-source databases. Oracle Database, being a proprietary solution, restricts access to its source code and limits the level of customization that organizations can achieve. For those seeking a more community-driven approach or specific features offered by open-source databases, the closed nature of Oracle Database may not align with their preferences or requirements.


Oracle Database, despite its many advantages, does come with a set of limitations and challenges that organizations should carefully consider before making a decision. The high cost, complexity, hardware resource requirements, vendor lock-in, and limited open-source options associated with Oracle Database may pose hurdles for certain businesses, particularly those with limited budgets, specific customization needs, or a desire for greater flexibility.

It is important for organizations to evaluate their specific requirements, consider alternative solutions, and assess the trade-offs associated with Oracle Database. By conducting a thorough analysis and weighing the pros and cons, businesses can make an informed decision that aligns with their data management goals and objectives.


Considerations and Disadvantages of Using Oracle Database

Oracle Database, a renowned and widely adopted relational database management system (RDBMS), offers numerous benefits and features that cater to the data management needs of organizations. However, like any technology, Oracle Database also has its share of considerations and disadvantages. This article aims to shed light on some of the limitations and challenges associated with using Oracle Database.


One significant disadvantage of Oracle Database is its cost. Oracle products are known for their substantial licensing fees, maintenance costs, and ongoing support expenses. For small or budget-constrained organizations, these expenses can pose a significant barrier to adoption. Additionally, as the scale of usage and required features grow, the costs associated with Oracle Database can escalate further, making it less economically viable for certain organizations.


Oracle Database is a feature-rich and complex RDBMS, which can sometimes result in a steep learning curve for administrators, developers, and users. The extensive range of capabilities and configuration options can be overwhelming for individuals with limited experience or resources. The complexity of the software may require specialized expertise and training to effectively manage and optimize the database, adding to the overall cost of ownership.

Resource Requirements

Running Oracle Database efficiently often demands substantial hardware resources. As the volume of data and user activity increases, organizations may need to invest in powerful servers, storage systems, and networking infrastructure to ensure optimal performance. These hardware requirements can be expensive, particularly for smaller organizations or those with limited IT resources. Additionally, the need for ongoing hardware upgrades and maintenance can further strain budgets and operational efficiency.

Vendor Lock-In

Using Oracle Database may lead to vendor lock-in, as migrating away from Oracle can be complex and time-consuming. The proprietary nature of the software and its specific features and extensions can create dependencies that make it challenging to switch to alternative database systems. This lack of flexibility can restrict organizations from exploring more cost-effective or innovative solutions that may better suit their evolving needs.

Support and Licensing Policies

While Oracle Corporation provides extensive support services for its products, the terms and conditions of support and licensing can sometimes be perceived as restrictive. Organizations may encounter challenges when it comes to negotiating license agreements or dealing with potential audits to ensure compliance. The complexity and costs associated with Oracle's licensing policies and agreements can be a source of frustration and uncertainty for some users.

Performance Tuning and Maintenance

Oracle Database's rich feature set often requires thorough performance tuning and ongoing maintenance to optimize its performance. Configuring and fine-tuning the database for specific workloads and ensuring its stability and responsiveness may require significant effort and expertise. The necessity for regular patching, updates, and maintenance activities can impact system availability and potentially disrupt critical business operations.

Cloud Adaptability

While Oracle Corporation offers cloud-based solutions for Oracle Database, the company's transition to the cloud has raised concerns regarding its adaptability and compatibility with other cloud platforms. Organizations that opt for multi-cloud or hybrid cloud strategies may face challenges integrating Oracle Database with non-Oracle cloud services or migrating their existing Oracle workloads seamlessly.


While Oracle Database remains a prominent choice for many organizations, it is essential to consider the potential disadvantages and challenges associated with its adoption. These include high costs, complexity, resource requirements, vendor lock-in, support and licensing policies, performance tuning, and cloud adaptability. By carefully assessing their specific needs, budgetary considerations, and long-term goals, organizations can make an informed decision regarding the suitability of Oracle Database or explore alternative solutions that align more effectively with their requirements.

The Enduring Relevance of Oracle Database: A Pillar of Modern Data Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, one might question the relevance of long-established technologies. Among these, Oracle Database has stood the test of time as a steadfast solution that continues to be widely utilized in the modern era. This article explores the enduring significance of Oracle Database and the reasons why it remains a trusted choice for organizations around the globe.

A Brief Overview of Oracle Database

Oracle Database, developed by Oracle Corporation, is a relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness, scalability, and comprehensive feature set. It was first released in 1979 and has since become one of the most widely used databases worldwide. Oracle Database allows businesses to store, organize, and manage vast amounts of data efficiently, providing the foundation for mission-critical applications and supporting complex data requirements.

Reliability and Performance

One of the key factors contributing to Oracle Database's continued relevance is its reputation for reliability and performance. Over the years, Oracle has invested heavily in enhancing the performance of its database, ensuring that it can handle large-scale workloads and deliver consistent results. Its advanced query optimization, indexing techniques, and caching mechanisms allow for efficient data retrieval and processing, making it suitable for high-demand environments.

Scalability and Flexibility

As businesses continue to generate and accumulate vast amounts of data, scalability becomes a critical consideration. Oracle Database has long been recognized for its ability to scale both vertically and horizontally, enabling organizations to accommodate growing data volumes without sacrificing performance. Moreover, Oracle offers various deployment options, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid solutions, allowing businesses to adapt their database infrastructure to their specific needs.

Comprehensive Feature Set

Oracle Database's extensive feature set is another compelling reason behind its enduring popularity. It supports a wide range of data types, including structured and unstructured data, and provides advanced functionality such as partitioning, security features, and built-in analytics. Additionally, Oracle has consistently introduced new features and enhancements, addressing emerging trends and industry demands. These innovations help organizations streamline their data management processes, improve security, and gain valuable insights from their data.

Integration and Ecosystem

Oracle Database's integration capabilities and compatibility with other Oracle products contribute to its continued success. It seamlessly integrates with various Oracle tools and technologies, such as Oracle Application Express, Oracle Data Integrator, and Oracle Business Intelligence, allowing organizations to build comprehensive data ecosystems. Furthermore, Oracle Database supports numerous programming languages and interfaces, making it accessible to developers and enabling easy integration with a wide range of applications.

Enterprise-Level Support and Security

For businesses, having reliable support and robust security measures are crucial considerations when choosing a database solution. Oracle Corporation has established a reputation for providing exceptional enterprise-level support services, including regular updates, patches, and comprehensive documentation. Additionally, Oracle Database incorporates robust security features, including encryption, access controls, and auditing capabilities, ensuring data integrity and protection against cyber threats.


Despite the constant evolution of the data management landscape, Oracle Database remains a stalwart choice for organizations worldwide. Its reliability, performance, scalability, comprehensive feature set, integration capabilities, and strong support ecosystem have helped it maintain its relevance in the face of emerging technologies. As data continues to play an increasingly vital role in business operations, Oracle Database stands as a trusted and versatile solution that meets the complex data management needs of modern enterprises.

Disclaimer: This article is based on information available up to September 2021, and while efforts have been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the status of Oracle Database may have changed since then.

Oracle 11g frente a Oracle 12c: desentrañando la evolución de Oracle Database

 Oracle, un renombrado proveedor de sistemas de gestión de bases de datos, ha evolucionado continuamente sus ofertas para satisfacer las demandas en constante cambio del mundo basado en datos. Dos versiones destacadas de la familia Oracle Database, Oracle 11g y Oracle 12c, han desempeñado un papel importante en la configuración del panorama de la gestión de datos empresariales. En este artículo, exploramos las diferencias clave entre Oracle 11g y Oracle 12c, arrojando luz sobre los avances y las nuevas características introducidas en Oracle 12c.

Arquitectura de la base de datos:

Oracle 11g: Oracle 11g sigue la arquitectura tradicional de un modelo de inquilino único, donde cada base de datos se ejecuta en una instancia separada.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c presenta un concepto revolucionario conocido como arquitectura multiinquilino, que permite la creación de bases de datos conectables (PDB) dentro de una base de datos de contenedor (CDB). Esta arquitectura permite la gestión eficiente de varias bases de datos como una sola entidad, lo que reduce los gastos administrativos.

Redacción de datos:

Oracle 11g: la redacción de datos no estaba disponible en Oracle 11g. Las técnicas de enmascaramiento de datos tuvieron que implementarse manualmente para proteger la información confidencial.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c presenta la Redacción de datos nativa, una potente función que permite la redacción automática de datos confidenciales en tiempo de ejecución, según políticas predefinidas. Esta característica simplifica la protección de datos y mejora el cumplimiento de las normas de privacidad.

Base de datos en memoria:

Oracle 11g: Oracle 11g no tiene un almacén de columnas en memoria dedicado, lo que limita la capacidad de aprovechar todo el potencial del procesamiento de datos en memoria.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c presenta la innovadora opción de base de datos en memoria, que permite la recuperación y el análisis rápidos de los datos almacenados en la memoria. Esta función mejora significativamente el rendimiento de las consultas y permite el análisis en tiempo real de grandes conjuntos de datos.

Mejoras en la partición:

Oracle 11g: Oracle 11g ofrece funciones básicas de partición para mejorar el rendimiento y la capacidad de gestión.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c presenta varias mejoras en el particionamiento, incluido el particionamiento por intervalos, el particionamiento por referencia y los truncamientos en cascada, lo que brinda más flexibilidad y facilidad en la administración de grandes conjuntos de datos.

Optimización automática de datos (ADO):

Oracle 11g: la optimización automática de datos no estaba disponible en Oracle 11g.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c presenta la optimización automática de datos, una función que permite la compresión y el movimiento automatizados de datos entre diferentes niveles de almacenamiento en función de políticas definidas. Esta función ayuda a optimizar la utilización del almacenamiento y mejora el rendimiento general de la base de datos.

Base de datos conectable (PDB) y contenedor de aplicaciones:

Oracle 11g: Oracle 11g no admite el concepto de bases de datos conectables (PDB) o contenedores de aplicaciones.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c introduce el concepto de bases de datos conectables (PDB) dentro de una base de datos contenedora (CDB). Esta arquitectura permite una fácil consolidación y gestión de múltiples bases de datos, así como la capacidad de conectar diferentes aplicaciones a la base de datos del contenedor.


Oracle 12c representa un importante avance en la evolución de Oracle Database en comparación con su predecesor, Oracle 11g. Con la introducción de la arquitectura multiusuario, la redacción de datos nativos, la base de datos en memoria y varias otras mejoras, Oracle 12c ofrece rendimiento, escalabilidad y capacidad de administración mejorados para las empresas. A medida que las organizaciones se esfuerzan por manejar volúmenes de datos crecientes y optimizar los procesos de gestión de datos, Oracle 12c proporciona una solución poderosa y rica en funciones para satisfacer sus necesidades en evolución.

Oracle 11g 与 Oracle 12c:揭示 Oracle 数据库的演变

 甲骨文是著名的数据库管理系统供应商,不断改进其产品以满足数据驱动世界不断变化的需求。 Oracle 数据库系列中的两个重要版本,Oracle 11g 和 Oracle 12c,在塑造企业数据管理格局方面发挥了重要作用。 在本文中,我们探讨了 Oracle 11g 和 Oracle 12c 之间的主要区别,阐明了 Oracle 12c 中引入的改进和新特性。


Oracle 11g:Oracle 11g 遵循单租户模型的传统架构,其中每个数据库在单独的实例中运行。

Oracle 12c:Oracle 12c 引入了一个称为多租户架构的革命性概念,支持在容器数据库 (CDB) 中创建可插拔数据库 (PDB)。 此体系结构允许将多个数据库作为单个实体进行有效管理,从而减少管理开销。


Oracle 11g:数据编辑在 Oracle 11g 中不可用。 必须手动实施数据屏蔽技术以保护敏感信息。

Oracle 12c:Oracle 12c 引入了原生数据编辑,这是一个强大的特性,可以根据预定义的策略在运行时自动编辑敏感数据。 此功能简化了数据保护并加强了对隐私法规的遵守。


Oracle 11g:Oracle 11g 没有专用的内存中列存储,限制了充分利用内存中数据处理潜力的能力。

Oracle 12c:Oracle 12c 引入了开创性的 Database In-Memory 选项,允许快速检索和分析存储在内存中的数据。 此功能可显着提高查询性能并支持对大型数据集进行实时分析。


Oracle 11g:Oracle 11g 提供了基本的分区功能以增强性能和可管理性。

Oracle 12c:Oracle 12c 引入了多项分区增强功能,包括区间分区、参考分区和级联截断,为管理大型数据集提供了更大的灵活性和便利性。

自动数据优化 (ADO):

Oracle 11g:自动数据优化在 Oracle 11g 中不可用。

Oracle 12c:Oracle 12c 引入了自动数据优化功能,该功能支持根据定义的策略在不同存储层之间自动压缩和移动数据。 此功能有助于优化存储利用率并提高整体数据库性能。

可插拔数据库 (PDB) 和应用程序容器:

Oracle 11g:Oracle 11g 不支持可插拔数据库 (PDB) 或应用程序容器的概念。

Oracle 12c:Oracle 12c 在容器数据库 (CDB) 中引入了可插拔数据库 (PDB) 的概念。 这种架构允许轻松整合和管理多个数据库,并能够将不同的应用程序插入到容器数据库中。


与其前身 Oracle 11g 相比,Oracle 12c 代表了 Oracle 数据库发展的重大飞跃。 通过引入多租户架构、本机数据编辑、内存中数据库和各种其他增强功能,Oracle 12c 为企业提供了改进的性能、可扩展性和可管理性。 随着组织努力处理不断增长的数据量和优化数据管理流程,Oracle 12c 提供了一个功能强大且功能丰富的解决方案来满足他们不断变化的需求。

Oracle 11g contre Oracle 12c : démêler l'évolution d'Oracle Database

 Oracle, un fournisseur renommé de systèmes de gestion de bases de données, a continuellement fait évoluer ses offres pour répondre aux demandes en constante évolution du monde axé sur les données. Deux versions importantes de la famille Oracle Database, Oracle 11g et Oracle 12c, ont joué un rôle important dans la formation du paysage de la gestion des données d'entreprise. Dans cet article, nous explorons les principales différences entre Oracle 11g et Oracle 12c, en mettant en lumière les avancées et les nouvelles fonctionnalités introduites dans Oracle 12c.

Architecture de la base de données :

Oracle 11g : Oracle 11g suit l'architecture traditionnelle d'un modèle à locataire unique, où chaque base de données s'exécute dans une instance distincte.

Oracle 12c : Oracle 12c introduit un concept révolutionnaire connu sous le nom d'architecture multitenant, permettant la création de bases de données enfichables (PDB) au sein d'une base de données conteneur (CDB). Cette architecture permet une gestion efficace de plusieurs bases de données comme une seule entité, réduisant ainsi les frais administratifs.

Rédaction des données :

Oracle 11g : la suppression des données n'était pas disponible dans Oracle 11g. Les techniques de masquage des données devaient être mises en œuvre manuellement pour protéger les informations sensibles.

Oracle 12c : Oracle 12c introduit la suppression native des données, une fonctionnalité puissante qui permet la suppression automatique des données sensibles lors de l'exécution, sur la base de politiques prédéfinies. Cette fonctionnalité simplifie la protection des données et améliore la conformité aux réglementations en matière de confidentialité.

Base de données en mémoire :

Oracle 11g : Oracle 11g ne dispose pas d'un magasin de colonnes en mémoire dédié, ce qui limite la possibilité d'exploiter tout le potentiel du traitement des données en mémoire.

Oracle 12c : Oracle 12c introduit l'option révolutionnaire Database In-Memory, qui permet la récupération et l'analyse rapides des données stockées en mémoire. Cette fonctionnalité améliore considérablement les performances des requêtes et permet des analyses en temps réel sur de grands ensembles de données.

Améliorations du partitionnement :

Oracle 11g : Oracle 11g offre des fonctionnalités de partitionnement de base pour améliorer les performances et la gérabilité.

Oracle 12c : Oracle 12c introduit plusieurs améliorations du partitionnement, notamment le partitionnement par intervalles, le partitionnement des références et les troncatures en cascade, offrant plus de flexibilité et de facilité dans la gestion de grands ensembles de données.

Optimisation automatique des données (ADO) :

Oracle 11g : l'optimisation automatique des données n'était pas disponible dans Oracle 11g.

Oracle 12c : Oracle 12c introduit l'optimisation automatique des données, une fonctionnalité qui permet la compression et le déplacement automatisés des données entre différents niveaux de stockage en fonction de politiques définies. Cette fonction permet d'optimiser l'utilisation du stockage et d'améliorer les performances globales de la base de données.

Base de données enfichable (PDB) et conteneur d'applications :

Oracle 11g : Oracle 11g ne prend pas en charge le concept de bases de données enfichables (PDB) ou de conteneurs d'applications.

Oracle 12c : Oracle 12c introduit le concept de bases de données enfichables (PDB) au sein d'une base de données conteneur (CDB). Cette architecture permet une consolidation et une gestion faciles de plusieurs bases de données ainsi que la possibilité de brancher différentes applications dans la base de données du conteneur.


Oracle 12c représente un bond en avant significatif dans l'évolution d'Oracle Database par rapport à son prédécesseur, Oracle 11g. Avec l'introduction de l'architecture mutualisée, de la rédaction de données native, de la base de données en mémoire et de diverses autres améliorations, Oracle 12c offre des performances, une évolutivité et une gérabilité améliorées pour les entreprises. Alors que les organisations s'efforcent de gérer des volumes de données croissants et d'optimiser les processus de gestion des données, Oracle 12c fournit une solution puissante et riche en fonctionnalités pour répondre à leurs besoins en constante évolution.

Oracle 11g vs. Oracle 12c: Unraveling the Evolution of Oracle Database

Oracle, a renowned provider of database management systems, has continually evolved its offerings to meet the ever-changing demands of the data-driven world. Two prominent versions in the Oracle Database family, Oracle 11g and Oracle 12c, have played a significant role in shaping the landscape of enterprise data management. In this article, we explore the key differences between Oracle 11g and Oracle 12c, shedding light on the advancements and new features introduced in Oracle 12c.

Database Architecture:

Oracle 11g: Oracle 11g follows the traditional architecture of a single-tenant model, where each database runs in a separate instance.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c introduces a revolutionary concept known as Multitenant Architecture, enabling the creation of pluggable databases (PDBs) within a container database (CDB). This architecture allows for efficient management of multiple databases as a single entity, reducing administrative overhead.

Data Redaction:

Oracle 11g: Data redaction was not available in Oracle 11g. Data masking techniques had to be implemented manually to protect sensitive information.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c introduces native Data Redaction, a powerful feature that enables automatic redaction of sensitive data at runtime, based on predefined policies. This feature simplifies data protection and enhances compliance with privacy regulations.

Database In-Memory:

Oracle 11g: Oracle 11g does not have a dedicated in-memory column store, limiting the ability to leverage the full potential of in-memory data processing.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c introduces the groundbreaking Database In-Memory option, which allows for the rapid retrieval and analysis of data stored in memory. This feature significantly improves query performance and enables real-time analytics on large datasets.

Partitioning Enhancements:

Oracle 11g: Oracle 11g offers basic partitioning capabilities to enhance performance and manageability.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c introduces several enhancements to partitioning, including interval partitioning, reference partitioning, and cascading truncates, providing more flexibility and ease in managing large datasets.

Automatic Data Optimization (ADO):

Oracle 11g: Automatic Data Optimization was not available in Oracle 11g.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c introduces Automatic Data Optimization, a feature that enables the automated compression and movement of data between different tiers of storage based on defined policies. This feature helps optimize storage utilization and improves overall database performance.

Pluggable Database (PDB) and Application Container:

Oracle 11g: Oracle 11g does not support the concept of pluggable databases (PDBs) or application containers.

Oracle 12c: Oracle 12c introduces the concept of pluggable databases (PDBs) within a container database (CDB). This architecture allows for easy consolidation and management of multiple databases as well as the ability to plug in different applications into the container database.


Oracle 12c represents a significant leap forward in the evolution of Oracle Database compared to its predecessor, Oracle 11g. With the introduction of Multitenant Architecture, native Data Redaction, Database In-Memory, and various other enhancements, Oracle 12c offers improved performance, scalability, and manageability for enterprises. As organizations strive to handle growing data volumes and optimize data management processes, Oracle 12c provides a powerful and feature-rich solution to meet their evolving needs.

Oracle Database: Unleashing the Power of Enterprise Data Management

Oracle Database (also known as Oracle DBMS, Oracle Autonomous Database, or simply Oracle) is a multi-model proprietary database management system developed and marketed by Oracle Corporation. It is a database that is often used for online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing (DW), and mixed (OLTP & DW) workloads. Several service providers offer Oracle Database on-premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid cloud installation. It can run on third-party servers as well as Oracle hardware (Exadata on-premises, Oracle Cloud, or Customer Cloud).[ Oracle Database updates and retrieves data using the SQL query language.


In today's data-driven world, organizations rely on robust and efficient database management systems to handle their ever-growing data needs. Among the top players in this field, Oracle Database stands tall as a trusted and industry-leading solution. In this article, we delve into the world of Oracle Database, exploring its key features, benefits, and why it's an essential tool for enterprises. Join us as we uncover the power of the Oracle Database and its impact on modern data management.

History :

In 1977, Larry Ellison and two friends and former coworkers, Bob Miner and Ed Oates, founded Software Development Laboratories (SDL). SDL created the first version of the Oracle software. The term Oracle is derived from the codename of a CIA-funded project on which Ellison had worked while employed by Ampex.

Section 1: Understanding Oracle Database

Overview of Oracle Database:

Introduce Oracle Database as a comprehensive and feature-rich relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle Corporation.


Discuss the unique architectural aspects of Oracle Database, including its efficient memory management, background processes, and data file organization.

Scalability and Performance:

Highlight how Oracle Database offers scalability to handle large data volumes and excels in delivering high performance even in complex environments.

Section 2: Key Features and Capabilities

Data Security:

Emphasize the robust security features of Oracle Database, such as encryption, fine-grained access controls, and auditing mechanisms, ensuring data integrity and compliance.

High Availability:

Discuss Oracle's advanced features like Real Application Clusters (RAC), Data Guard, and Flashback technologies, enabling continuous availability, disaster recovery, and rapid data rollback.

Advanced Analytics:

Showcase Oracle Database's powerful analytical capabilities, including in-database analytics, data mining, and machine learning integration, enabling businesses to extract valuable insights from their data.

Section 3: Benefits and Advantages

Reliability and Stability:

Highlight Oracle Database's reputation for its stability and reliability, with a proven track record of supporting critical business operations for enterprises of all sizes.

Extensive Ecosystem:

Discuss the vast ecosystem surrounding Oracle Database, including a thriving community, comprehensive documentation, and a rich selection of third-party tools and applications.

Enterprise-Grade Support:

Showcase Oracle's commitment to providing enterprise-level support and services, ensuring businesses can access timely assistance and resources when needed.

Section 4: Use Cases and Success Stories

Yamamay deploys Oracle Analytics Cloud to improve sustainability

How new technology helped dunnhumby to deliver better business insights

Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics enables data-driven decisions and insights at NI

Oracle Analytics in Manufacturing Industries

Clients gain 5X or more in savings on indirect technology spend

How Skanska Accelerated Time to Market with Oracle Analytic

How to Create an Always-On Solution for Finance Reporting

Predict Car Purchases with AI and Analytics? Daimler Did

Predict Outcomes with Adaptive Intelligence via Machine Learning

iCabbi Connects its Many Customers Using Oracle Analytics


Oracle Database has established itself as a leading database management system, empowering organizations to store, process, and analyze their data efficiently and securely. With its robust features, scalability, and unmatched reliability, Oracle Database continues to be the go-to choice for enterprises worldwide. Whether you're a small business or a multinational corporation, harnessing the power of Oracle Database can propel your data management efforts to new heights. Embrace the power of Oracle Database and unlock the true potential of your enterprise data.


增加 Oracle 数据库中的重做日志大小:分步指南

 在 Oracle 数据库中,重做日志在确保数据完整性和恢复方面起着至关重要的作用。 它记录了对数据库所做的所有更改,提供了在发生故障时进行恢复的方法。 在高事务环境中,可能需要增加重做日志大小以适应工作负载和优化性能。 本分步指南将引导您完成增加 Oracle 数据库中的重做日志大小的过程。

步骤 1:检查当前重做日志配置

首先查询 V$LOG 视图以收集有关当前重做日志组的信息。 这将提供详细信息,例如组号、线程号、状态、成员和大小。 使用以下 SQL 语句:


来自 V$日志;

第 2 步:确定所需的重做日志大小

考虑系统的工作负载和要求以确定合适的重做日志大小。 计算可以容纳预期的重做生成量并为重做日志提供足够空间的大小。

第 3 步:确定附加重做日志组的数量

拥有多个重做日志组可以提高性能和可用性。 根据您的具体需要确定要添加的其他组的数量。

第 4 步:选择重做日志文件的位置和名称

确定重做日志文件的合适位置和名称。 确保路径有足够的空间来容纳增加的重做日志大小。

第 5 步:以 SYSDBA 或 SYSOPER 用户身份连接到数据库

使用具有 SYSDBA 或 SYSOPER 权限的帐户连接到 Oracle 数据库。

步骤 6:添加新的重做日志组

执行 ALTER DATABASE 语句以添加新的重做日志组。 指定组号、重做日志文件的路径以及每个文件的所需大小。 这是一个例子:


添加日志文件组 <group_number> ('path_to_redo_log_file_1', 'path_to_redo_log_file_2')

SIZE <redo_log_size> [G|M];

将 <group_number> 替换为新重做日志组的适当组号。 使用“path_to_redo_log_file_1”和“path_to_redo_log_file_2”设置重做日志文件的路径。 使用 <redo_log_size> 为每个文件指定所需的大小,以千兆字节 (G) 或兆字节 (M) 表示大小。

对要添加的每个附加重做日志组重复此 ALTER DATABASE 语句。

第 7 步:删除未使用的重做日志组(如果需要)

如果您有任何未使用的重做日志组,您可以使用 ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE GROUP 语句删除它们。 指定要删除的重做日志组的组号。 对您希望删除的每个未使用的重做日志组重复此语句。

步骤 8:验证重做日志配置

添加新的重做日志组并删除未使用的重做日志组后,通过再次查询 V$LOG 视图来验证更改。 确认已添加新的重做日志组并且大小已相应更新。

步骤 9:执行数据库备份

要包括对重做日志配置所做的更改,请执行数据库备份。 这样可以确保在出现任何问题时有一个有效的恢复点。


增加 Oracle 数据库中的重做日志大小有助于优化高事务环境中的性能。 通过遵循本指南中概述的步骤,您可以有效地添加新的重做日志组并调整其大小以满足系统的工作负载要求。 请记住仔细计划和测试任何更改,并咨询熟悉您的特定数据库系统的数据库管理员或专家,以确保正确的配置和优化。

Augmenter la taille du journal redo dans la base de données Oracle : un guide étape par étape

 Dans Oracle Database, le journal de rétablissement joue un rôle crucial pour garantir l'intégrité et la récupération des données. Il enregistre toutes les modifications apportées à la base de données, fournissant un moyen de récupération en cas de panne. Dans les environnements à transactions élevées, il peut être nécessaire d'augmenter la taille du fichier de journalisation pour s'adapter à la charge de travail et optimiser les performances. Ce guide étape par étape vous guidera tout au long du processus d'augmentation de la taille du journal redo dans Oracle Database.

Étape 1 : Vérifier la configuration actuelle du journal de rétablissement

Commencez par interroger la vue V$LOG pour collecter des informations sur les groupes de fichiers de journalisation actuels. Cela fournira des détails tels que le numéro de groupe, le numéro de fil, le statut, les membres et les tailles. Utilisez l'instruction SQL suivante :



Étape 2 : déterminer la taille de journalisation souhaitée

Tenez compte de la charge de travail et des exigences de votre système pour déterminer une taille de journalisation appropriée. Calculez une taille pouvant prendre en charge le volume attendu de génération de fichiers redo et fournir suffisamment d'espace pour les journaux redo.

Étape 3 : Déterminer le nombre de groupes de fichiers de journalisation supplémentaires

Le fait d'avoir plusieurs groupes de journaux redo améliore les performances et la disponibilité. Décidez du nombre de groupes supplémentaires que vous souhaitez ajouter en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques.

Étape 4 : Choisissez les emplacements et les noms des fichiers de journalisation

Identifiez les emplacements et les noms appropriés pour les fichiers de journalisation. Assurez-vous que les chemins disposent de suffisamment d'espace pour prendre en charge les tailles de journalisation accrues.

Étape 5 : Connectez-vous à la base de données en tant qu'utilisateur SYSDBA ou SYSOPER

Utilisez un compte avec des privilèges SYSDBA ou SYSOPER pour vous connecter à la base de données Oracle.

Étape 6 : Ajouter de nouveaux groupes de fichiers de journalisation

Exécutez l'instruction ALTER DATABASE pour ajouter de nouveaux groupes de journaux redo. Spécifiez le numéro de groupe, les chemins d'accès aux fichiers de journalisation et la taille souhaitée pour chaque fichier. Voici un exemple :


AJOUTER UN GROUPE DE FICHIER JOURNAL <group_number> ('path_to_redo_log_file_1', 'path_to_redo_log_file_2')

TAILLE <redo_log_size> [G|M] ;

Remplacez <group_number> par le numéro de groupe approprié pour le nouveau groupe de fichiers de journalisation. Définissez les chemins des fichiers de journalisation à l'aide de 'path_to_redo_log_file_1' et 'path_to_redo_log_file_2'. Spécifiez la taille souhaitée pour chaque fichier à l'aide de <redo_log_size>, en indiquant la taille en gigaoctets (G) ou en mégaoctets (M).

Répétez cette instruction ALTER DATABASE pour chaque groupe de fichiers de journalisation supplémentaire que vous souhaitez ajouter.

Étape 7 : Supprimez les groupes de fichiers de journalisation inutilisés (si nécessaire)

Si vous avez des groupes de fichiers de journalisation inutilisés, vous pouvez les supprimer à l'aide de l'instruction ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE GROUP. Spécifiez le numéro de groupe du groupe de fichiers de journalisation que vous souhaitez supprimer. Répétez cette instruction pour chaque groupe de fichiers de journalisation inutilisé que vous souhaitez supprimer.

Étape 8 : vérifier la configuration du journal de rétablissement

Après avoir ajouté les nouveaux groupes de journaux redo et supprimé ceux qui ne sont pas utilisés, vérifiez les modifications en interrogeant à nouveau la vue V$LOG. Confirmez que les nouveaux groupes de journaux redo ont été ajoutés et que les tailles ont été mises à jour en conséquence.

Étape 9 : effectuer une sauvegarde de la base de données

Pour inclure les modifications apportées à la configuration du journal de rétablissement, effectuez une sauvegarde de votre base de données. Cela garantit un point de récupération valide en cas de problème.


L'augmentation de la taille du journal redo dans Oracle Database peut aider à optimiser les performances dans les environnements à transactions élevées. En suivant les étapes décrites dans ce guide, vous pouvez ajouter efficacement de nouveaux groupes de journaux redo et ajuster leurs tailles pour répondre aux exigences de charge de travail de votre système. N'oubliez pas de planifier et de tester soigneusement toute modification et de consulter un administrateur de base de données ou un expert connaissant votre système de base de données spécifique pour garantir une configuration et une optimisation appropriées.