
Oracle Text Installation 12c

How to install Oracle TEXT

What is Oracle TEXT:-

It provided indexing with work and theme searching. It also has capabilities  to view text in query applications and  in document classification applications.

Installing Oracle Text :-

Oracle TEXT is not a part of the database installation. you can use GUI and CLI methods to configure ORACLE TEXT on DB after the DB installation.

1. You need to connect using SYS user and catctx.sql to start the installation of Oracle Text.
2. Oracle recommends to set set OVERFLOW-CONTROL=*NO-CONTROL on the terminal you are going to run catctx.sql for Oracle TEXT.
3. drdefus.sql need to run using CTXSYS user that is needed for Oracle TEXT if you are using US english text which we all do.

Steps to follow during the installation of Oracle TEXT:-
1. log in to the Db server and open a terminal to set OVERFLOW-CONTROL=*NO-CONTROL to start the installation of Oracle TEXT.
2. connect to SYS user and run the below script to install ORACLE TEXT(Make sure you change the path for the script. It's $ORACLE_HOME\admin\catctx.sql)

@@D:\app\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\catctx.sql CTXSYS SYSAUX TEMPORARY NOLOCK;

where  TEMPORARY is temp tablespace, you need to check the name of the temp tablespace before running the script to install oracle TEXT.

It will take 10-15min to complete the script which includes creating some procedures and inserting data.

3. You need run drdefus.sql if you are going to work with US English texts.
and run @@D:\app\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\defaults\drdefus.sql;

You are ready to use ORACLE TEXT.

Oracle Mean company, not database :)


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