

Hi, It is very easy to start or stop the oracle apps r12, but as a fresher you face many issues with starting and stopping the oracle apps. So in this I will tell you the simple steps to start the oracle apps.
What we must remember some rules first about starting and stopping the oracle apps.


To start oracle apps
          when you start the oracle apps you must remember that start your database tier first and then start your listener and after that start your apps tier.
To Stop oracle apps
         When you want to stop oracle apps you have reverse  the starting process . First shutdown your app tier and then shutdown the listener and then at last shutdown the  database.

You must keep these steps in mind that you must follow the rules.

How to start the oracle apps:-

I will tell you the step that I use  to perform to start the oracle apps on LINUX.

Step 1:- Login to putty or any other software that you used to connect to your server.
Step 2:- Login with user that own the permission of that directory where you have installed oracle db.
Step 3:- Now you have to run the .env file located in ORACLE_HOME.
Step 4:- Now, on terminal run this command  Sqlplus '/as sysdba'
Step 5:- Now you will  have sql prompt like this sql> , type startup command to start the database
Step 6:- Now start the listener by typing " lsnrctl start " , this will start our listener.
Step 7:- We have our database up and running. now it's time to start application.
Step 8:- Now open a new terminal with user that own the permission of that directory where you have installed apps.
Step 9:- Now run the .env file from $HOME/apps/apps_st/appl .
Step 10 :- Now, change directory using cd  $ADMIN_SCRIPT_HOME
Step 11 :- Now you will see many .sh file in this directory. run following command on the terminal
                               sh adstartall.sh apps/password
Step 12:- Check  your app on http://hostname:8000/em

How to stop the oracle apps:-

As I have told you that we need to reverse the process of startup to shutdown the oracle apps.Means we have shutdown our application services first and then your database .

Step 1:- Now open a new terminal with user that own the permission of that directory where you have installed apps.
Step 2:- Now run the .env file from $HOME/apps/apps_st/appl .
Step 3 :- Now, change directory using cd  $ADMIN_SCRIPT_HOME
Step 4 :- Now you will see many .sh file in this directory. run following command on the terminal
                               sh adstpall.sh apps/password
Step 5:- Now we have to stop our listener of database.
Step 6:- Login with user that own the permission of that directory where you have installed oracle db.
Step 7:- Now you have to run the .env file located in ORACLE_HOME.
Step 8:- Now stop the listener by typing " lsnrctl stop " , this will stop our listener.
Step 9:- Now, on the same terminal run this command  Sqlplus '/as sysdba'
Step 10:- Now you will  have sql prompt like this sql> , type shutdown  immediate command to stop the database
Step 11 :- Now you have everything down.

Please let me know if you have any quires regarding this :)

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